The Easemakers Podcast

Learning the basics of property management and household operations with estate manager Shelby Boudreau

Kristin Twiford & Mohamed Elzomor, Easemakers

In a special bonus episode of the Easemakers Podcast, expert estate manager shares steps for getting started with household operations, and her tips for turning chaos into predictable work.

In a new household operations workshop starting October 19th, Shelby will dig into the themes she covers in this bonus podcast. Modern Household Management: How to Streamline Operations for Homes and Estates is designed to help you feel ready take on the operations of any home, prepared for the year ahead, and confident in your ability to manage a growing estate. Save your spot at

Subscribe to the Easemakers Podcast to hear from more experts in the private service industry, and join the Easemakers community to talk to other estate managers and PSPs on a regular basis.  

The Easemakers Podcast is presented by Nines, household management software and services built for discerning households and the private service professionals who support them.

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